Want a guilt-free lap dance? Visit Casa Diablo Gentlemen’s Club in Portland. Not only does the club serve vegan chimichangas, the strippers there wear pleather, not leather. Feminist vegans, dubbed "feminazis" by the club's owner, are none too happy about the vegan club, which the New York Times chronicles in an article called "The Carrot Some Vegans Deplore."
Is it okay to peddle human flesh, while discouraging the peddling of animal flesh? The Times tries to answer this question as it explores the sexual politics of the meat-free movement. It also refers to the Peta protest we at Wordwax recently discussed in which a pregnant woman knelt on all fours in a cage to protest the cramped living conditions of humble pigs. Read the article in full here.
I am skeptical that hot women can convert anyone to change their eating habits. (I also love the underlying heterosexism of these kind of arguments--of course only folks perceived as male can lust after hot strippers!) I'm not sure I'd change my eating habits based on what I was served at a strip club, no matter how good the meal was!
Secondly, this underestimates what a huge life-style change become a vegan is. It will totally change your food shopping habits and where you to go eat when out in public. It can also impact anyone you live with. Although perhaps there have been a few times in history where interacting with the folks in a strip club has gotten someone to change something so integral to their lives as their daily eating habits, I don't find it a very effective form of activism.
Great Times article...
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